My clients all understand that I am driven by systems, from the pen that I use when I’m talking to clients and where and how I park my car, right through to how I prepare dirty sock for washing (OK that’s another story…). The point is I’m driven by systems and systems require discipline.
But I do this because the only option is regret. And while discipline is hard long work with many likely slips along the way, regret is hard work from which there is no recovery, just more regret and then finally acceptance.
The good news is; you get to choose – but even though most of you will choose discipline, most of you will end up with regret. And that’s OK because it’s inevitable that you’ll get a mixture of the two, but follow my approach and you’ll get more of the one you need and less of the one you’ll hate.
Those of you who have worked through my Success Framework have made a really good start with budgeting for both time and money. Now you need to find the motivation and the accountability to keep it going, those of you who haven’t taken up the offer yet, just follow this link to get started.