Business Coaching Services
Business Coaching Services
If you need help building a profitable business that works without you, you’ll need my help.
I shouldn’t have to tell you that every business is unique. What is important however is that you and your business receives the treatment you need.
I offer a huge range of different services for different businesses. While these might sound similar, I assure you each one helps in a unique way. Which one’s right for your business?
Business owner coach
Everybody knows about how business coaching can help you improve your business. But what about improving you?
For many small and medium businesses, success rides on how competent you, the owner, are. That means your:
- Planning skills
- How well you delegate
- Time and resource management
- Practical skills (like bookkeeping)
Business owner coaching is focused on helping you improve as a business owner. I teach you the knowledge, skills and tools that you’ll need to find success.
One-on-one business coaching
Every business owner has a unique vision for their business and lifestyle. What’s yours?
- Travelling the world
- Retiring early
- Dance
- Model trains
Each of these require 2 things: time and money. One-on-one business coaching is about helping you determine whether your business is helping you get there. And if it isn’t, I’ll help you make the changes you need to see a change.
Small business coaching
Small business is especially challenging. Many small business owners come to me complaining about:
- Being overworked
- Doing work over the dinner table
- Not having any time to enjoy for themselves
- Being forced to take on jobs they’re just not capable of
A small (or one-person) team means more work on your shoulders. I can help take some of that burden away from you and put you on track to reach your goals.
Business mentoring
Some businesses don’t need a hands-on business coach. Things run smoothly, everything’s going according to plan and you’re meeting all your goals.
Unlike business coaching, mentoring is more hands-off. It:
- Moves slower, with less frequent meetings
- Focuses on providing advice and guidance, not sweeping changes
- Is more reactive – you set the agenda, not me
- Helps overcome problems as they arise
It’s always good to get a second opinion. With business mentoring, you’ll have the guidance and support of someone who’s seen it all when it comes to business.
Business consulting
What does a business consultant do?
You’ll find many different answers on the web.
But in my opinion, business consulting is all about helping you manage your business better.
I believe that your business should be able to run without your presence, giving you full control of your money and time.
Business consulting is how we get there.
I help you turn yourself from someone who owns a job into someone who owns a business that does all the work for them.
Business coaching
Sometimes even the best business owners find themselves in situations where they need a helping hand. The problem isn’t with them, but with their business:
- Systems and processes are slowing them down
- Reporting isn’t giving the full picture
- Expenses run too high
- Money isn’t coming in – they aren’t bringing in enough sales
Before I was a business coach, I was responsible for streamlining systems and processes in the auto industry. During those years, I learnt that even if business is running smoothly, they can always run better.
Making things run better is in my blood – trust me when I say I know how your business can improve!
My guarantee...
Work with me using my unique Frame-Work for business owners
and if we don't make you more money than we cost...
We'll work for free until you do.*
*terms and conditions apply
You’re an expert in your field, but how did you train to be a business owner?
No matter your industry, my proven Frame-work can help you become a better business owner.