My History


Nine hairdressers and five beauty therapists

Two lawyers, two accountants, and a doctor

Five electricians

Three multimillion-dollar manufacturers

Two wholesalers, and

A funeral director
These are just a sample of the 240+ businesses I’ve worked with over the last ten years as a business coach and business mentor. Of course every one of them has their own problems, but at the heart of it, it always comes down to only one thing – money!
Business owners always present with a variety of challenges, usually around how hard they work themselves, how poorly their team behaves or how little money they make. Often at the very first meeting I can show them that they only really have two challenges – themselves and how much money they make, once we can fix the first, then we can fix the second.
My Clients
When I began coaching as a business mentor, I felt that a maximum of 14 clients at any one time was possible. When I had 6 clients I thought 14 was impossible! Over time I found I was able to manage 10 clients and felt I had room for the other four – over the next five years I worked out that I can manage 28 clients!
The difference is really just mindset – once I get my mind clear about the what, it’s only a matter of working on the how.
And it’s the same with every business owner I’ve worked with – change the mindset and open up the possibilities and then work on how to get there. Then reset and start again.
But I challenge almost anyone to do this on their own (or only advised by a family member), I made the decision very early on that I would always have a business mentor and over the ten years I have had three. As I’ve grown as a business owner, my needs have changed and in collaboration with my coaches I have changed them too.
Right now I’m working with a very system driven coach who is helping me get from the old 14 clients to the new 28 clients. Who are you working with and what is driving you?
My guarantee...
Work with me using my unique Frame-Work for business owners
and if we don't make you more money than we cost...
We'll work for free until you do.*
*terms and conditions apply
You’re an expert in your field, but how did you train to be a business owner?
No matter your industry, my proven Frame-work can help you become a better business owner.