Business Owner Coach
Business Owner Coach
For some owners, the anxiety they feel for their business never stops, no matter how well they are doing.
My Business Coaching experience is truly unique, as I go one step further to take on the additional role of Business Owner Coach.
A Business Owner Coach does not need to be a specialist in your particular industry or niche. My additional expertise lies in improving YOU, as a business owner.
When working with me, you get someone who is looking at you and your business and is then able to offer:
- Cross-pollination
- Lateral thinking
- Experience based on achieving business improvement
I understand that your business is not identical to other businesses’ goals and that you are not identical to other business owners.
Therefore, you need a the following:
- A tailored solution
- Specific advice based on your current situation
- A vision of where you would like to be at a specific time in the future
The Difference Between Business Coaching and Business Owner Coaching
Many people who own a small business say they just ‘fell’ into it.
For some, it can end up turning into a hard slog as the business grows. Usually this is because they take on many different roles and and this makes running a business very hard.
People often fall into small business because of the following:
- “Ended up owning” a business they were working for (family or otherwise)
- Grabbed what seemed to be an opportunity too good to pass up
- Bought something deliberately as a result of some financial windfall
And because of that, you may not have the right training in your role as a business owner.
Even being an expert in your field, who’s trained and practiced it for years, doesn’t mean that you are equipped to handle being a business owner.
That’s where I come in.
Benefits Of Business Owner Coaching
- Learn the work that you MUST do, because if you don’t then no-one will
- More importantly, learn what work you must NOT do and how to make the transition
- Turn business dreams into actionable plans with outcomes, responsibilities and consequences
- Become the Leader your business needs you to be
- Create the Systems that your technicians will use to run your business
- Have the Controls in place so that you can confidently say that your business is:
- Running the way you need it to be
- Achieving the goals you have set
- Giving you the lifestyle that you expected when you got into business in the first place
… even when you’re not there.
Do you need a Business Coach or a Business Owner Coach?
The honest answer is BOTH.
Any good Business Coach can help you:
- Operate your business
- Become technically better
- Set goals
- Plan and budget
But a Business Coach with the additional skills to help you succeed as an Owner is focused on improving not only your business, but YOU, too, turning you into a leader, visionary, and planner.
My guarantee...
Work with me using my unique Frame-Work for business owners
and if we don't make you more money than we cost...
We'll work for free until you do.*
*terms and conditions apply
You’re an expert in your field, but how did you train to be a business owner?
No matter your industry, my proven Frame-work can help you become a better business owner.