Business Coach Melbourne, Business Coaching Melbourne

When Business is Slow

When Business is Slow

No matter how good you are, how good your business is or what sector of the market you operate in, it’s only a matter of time before your business will slow down. It’s inevitable, it’s challenging and if not managed well it can destroy your dreams.

As business owners we must not only run our businesses, we must also plan for the future and ensure that those plans are robust and reliable. In short, we need a Plan B.

We activate Plan B when the business slows because we know that it will generate the work we need because we have developed, tested and trialled the process and that gives us the confidence that it will work. So, what’s in the Plan?

In most cases it’s the basics. Not the new, the different, the exciting and the ‘fun’. The original hard slog that you used when you first got started; the phone calls, the door knocking, the networking and the follow up. The boring, the dull, the repetitive and (sometimes) soul destroying, let’s face it, that’s probably why we stopped doing it in the first place.

Not, you’ll note, because it didn’t work. The truth is it did work otherwise you would not still be in business and probably not be reading this blog.

A business coach is there to help you put together the plans for getting back on track and getting your Plan B in place.

What’s your Plan B?

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Work with me using my unique Frame-Work for business owners
and if we don't make you more money than we cost...

We'll work for free until you do.*

*terms and conditions apply

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