Business Coach Melbourne, Business Coaching Melbourne

The Success Incubator


And be mentored by someone who’s been there—Bruce Frame

The Business Success Incubator is perfect for you if you’ve taken the leap away from the security of a job, or you’re well advanced in your thinking and want to branch out from employment to business ownership

Designed for the budding entrepreneur, this 4 week 1-on-1 coaching program will give you a strong foundation to get your business off the ground and the confidence knowing that you’re going in the right direction with your venture.

When you sign up to The Business Success Incubator your thinking will be challenged, your ideas will be assessed and reviewed and your business plan will be picked apart. These highly structured coaching meetings will be delivered remotely via telephone or Zoom, for a total of 4 sessions over 4-6weeks. During the 45-minute sessions, we’ll re-assemble your business plan together, so that you have a clear understanding of what you need to do and when, to achieve your business goals. Plus, you’ll receive email support to answer any questions that may come up in between calls.


The Right Structure

The Dos and Don’ts of Getting your Business off the ground

Should you be a Sole Trader, a Partnership, a Company or some sort of Trust? Do you need an accountant and a bookkeeper? What sort of bank accounts will you need? What are the legal traps? Can you trade from home or should you be signing a lease or perhaps buying a franchise? It’s important to get these questions answered before you invest either money or time. We’ll also identify your long-term goals; do you want a true business that works without you, or will you be sati sfi ed as self-employed or possibly even a practice owner? Finally, we’ll get really clear on the financial outcomes you need and identify any gaps in your financial education so that you’ll know whether you’re winning or losing in the business game!


Marketing Your Business

What works and what doesn’t

Since no one really knows what works and what doesn’t, we’ll work together to identify the strategies you are going to need to fi nd out the best marketing for your venture. Next we’ll work out what needs to be done to refine those strategies so that you can have a real ‘who does what and by when’ type of plan that you can apply as soon as

you get started. We’ll also consider the seasonal nature of your business and use that to show you how to build a marketing calendar, which you’ll use when your business is off the ground so that you don’t get caught in the see-saw cash fl ow problem that destroys many new businesses.


Successful Sales

What you must know about selling

In early stage start-up businesses, everyone is in sales. It’s not the most important task in business, but it’s certainly the first of the important tasks. We’ll identify what type of seller you need to be, based on your business, personality and your product/service. Next you’ll learn the basics of a sales plan and process so that you can gain the necessary sales skills you need when your marketing starts to work.



The whirlpool in the river

This is the area where you are already the expert, but we’ll show you why this is the most dangerous part of your journey and how to avoid getting caught in it. Together, we’ll work out how much of your time/money resources can be spent here and how to limit this area so that the other true ‘owner’s work’ areas get the same level of priority and attention.

The Rules of the Game

All sessions are delivered remotely via Zoom or phonecall

A hard limit of 45 minutes per session is applied

Client may defer or postpone a maximum of one session and only one time

All four sessions must be delivered in six weeks from the first session

Program is only offered via the website and paid in advance via PayPal

 Client chooses available time to start via Calendly link

One-off fee $890+GST or 2 x payments of $450+GST

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My guarantee...

Work with me using my unique Frame-Work for business owners
and if we don't make you more money than we cost...

We'll work for free until you do.*

*terms and conditions apply

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