Business Coach Melbourne, Business Coaching Melbourne

When to Hire a Business Coach

When to Hire a Business Coach

Every business owner or entrepreneur enjoys the benefits of running their own business:

You have complete control over every aspect of your business. However, this is often a double-edged sword.

While you can manage your own salary, work more flexible hours, and hire and manage your own team, you’ve also found yourself working longer hours to meet deadlines, struggled to grow revenue, and feel stuck and unsupported.

From your very first meeting to months or even years down the track, a business coach is with you all the way, giving you the “tough love” that you’re perhaps lacking. The aim is to help you optimise your business by closely analysing your current situation, helping you create achievable realistic goals, and scrutinising business practises on a regular basis.

Do you need a business coach? If you relate to any of the sentiments below, it might be time that you seriously considered hiring a business coach.

You need to increase your income

We work to be fulfilled, to reach our potential, and succeed.

But at the end of the day, you are also working to earn a healthy profit that allows you to live the life you want. You can love your business, all that you do, and your employees… and it’s OK to wish that could turn a higher profit.

So find your coach, understand the process, and start making more money!

You want to spend less time on your business

Most business owners have faced the same conundrum: sacrificing precious family time for business.

You wish you could take a step back from business… but you can’t and won’t sacrifice making less money.

It doesn’t have to be that way: my proven technique can help you actually make more money while stepping back from your business commitments.

You don’t know how to set realistic yet ambitious goals

“Many people fail in life, not for lack of ability or brains or even courage, but simply because they have never organised their energies around a goal.”

– Elbert Hubbard, American philosopher

We’ve all heard the anagram SMART. It’s the standard tool used to describe good goals. SMART stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Timely

But we’re going for smartER goals:

  • Extending
  • Rewarding

We’ll make sure that you achieve even more than you expect and that you receive the benefits of your work. Then every quarter, we’ll take a close look at your goal progression. If targets are not being met, we take the time to learn why and then take action to get back on track.

You’re overwhelmed

Are you controlling every aspect of your business, or is it the other way around?

To better run, control, and manage your business, you need to understand how to prioritise and rank your business tasks.

Furthermore, you’ll now have someone that you must be accountable to. It’s one thing to create goals, but it is quite another to work towards accomplishing them. Working with a business coach takes just that: hard work, but the outcomes are truly worth it.

You need to learn how to be a business owner

Good business coaches should really be called business owner coaches.

Nobody knows your business’ products or services better than you… but what about actually running your business? Many companies are created by entrepreneurs with amazing ideas but little knowledge about actually running a prosperous business. That’s where a business coach will help – they’ll teach you how to run your business and essentially to become a better business owner.

You don’t love your business anymore

You’ve lost the passion, the drive, and the love. It no longer fulfills your financial needs and certainly does not give you the lifestyle you’d imagined.

I’ll help you learn to love your business again with my unique framework designed for success! Contact me now.

My guarantee...

Work with me using my unique Frame-Work for business owners
and if we don't make you more money than we cost...

We'll work for free until you do.*

*terms and conditions apply

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