Business Coach Melbourne, Business Coaching Melbourne

How accountability turns you into a better business owner

Tag: business coach Melbourne

Business owner in meeting room having conversation with business coach melbourne

How accountability turns you into a better business owner

While time and money may be the indicators of a successful business owner, that doesn’t exactly tell you very much about how you can get there. The thing about becoming a better business owner is that there’s no magical formula – what works for your business might flop at the one next door, and vice […]

Find time for your family with a business coach (PART 2)

Family versus work – it’s a real catch 22. And one that no business owner should ever have to deal with. Business coaching will get you out of this pothole. In my opinion, good business owners shouldn’t have to spend any more time at their business than they have to – ideally, you shouldn’t have […]

How a business mentor can help you balance work and family (PART 1)

Allow a Melbourne business mentor to help you balance work and family life. Do you identify with one of these business owners? “I need to be on top of the business 24/7.” “My business is my life.” “I can’t leave the business for so long, I need to do everything.” If you’re a business owner, […]

Maximize the benefits of business mentoring

One of my favourite quotes of all time says that “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”  While we don’t know who first said it, it perfectly encapsulates my philosophy about the coaching relationship. If you’re not ready to learn, even the best teacher won’t be able to help you. This also applies to business mentoring. […]

Debunking business coaching myths

Oftentimes when I introduce myself as a business owner coach, I get a lot of confused looks and double-takes: “Business owner coach? You mean a business coach, right?” As a relatively new field of business coaching, I hear a lot of myths, misconceptions and straight-up about business owner coaching. And in a lot of cases, […]

Why should you seek out a business owner coach or mentor?

Businesses, especially small businesses, need the help of a business owner coach, for some good reasons. When it comes to business owners, especially small business owners, I find that your inner circle has a disproportionate impact on your decisions and your performance as a business owner. Think about it: when things don’t go according to […]

Qualities to look for in a business owner coach

As a business owner coach,  I will always ask my client the following questions: Do you find yourself working insane for hours trying to make more money but still can’t seem to make ends meet? Is the money you make from your business insufficient to power your dream lifestyle? Or do you simply feel overwhelmed, and […]

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