Business Coaches Melbourne’s New Coaching Approach
Business Coaches Melbourne’s New Coaching Approach
Entrepreneurs should spend more time looking for options.
How to make a business profitable without the presence of its owner?
The question is asked every day by employers, when looking for solutions to the excess of work and hours that most of them dedicate to their businesses.
“When the owner of a company works 14 or 16 hours a day in it, it is because the business is poorly conceived or simply assimilated as the owner’s job, and not as a productive investment that only requires coordination,” says Alejandro Gyvés, General Director of ActionCoach for Latin America, who today will speak at the Radisson Teleport Hotel, in Bogotá.
The manager ensures that modern entrepreneurs must choose between keeping all day in their companies, or spend a few hours a day, to devote more time to the creation of new business opportunities and the assembly of more companies and services that demand the market.
“The objective is to get to the point where the businesses are profitable without their owner,” says the Mexican expert.
According to Gyvés, the essence of the model is to teach the owners of companies to improve competitiveness.
“This will allow an entrepreneur to manage 20 companies at the same time, and also have space to innovate with new companies and profitable investment opportunities.”
The goal of ActionCoach is not to save companies that are in a complicated situation, but to train their owners to free up time and dedicate themselves to finding new opportunities, or simply spend more time with their family, generating stability and personal satisfaction. According to Juan Guillermo Echeverri, one of the business coaches of the Action firm in Colombia, the training takes at least a year, and can be extended to eight, if necessary.
“In most cases what has happened is that the businessmen ask us to be more than a year with them, because we offer the guarantee that our work only ends after 12 months, as long as both are achieved. initial goals that we always propose: reduce the hours of work of the owners in their companies and increase profits.
According to the directors of the company, what ActionCoach does is not a consultancy but it resembles a university in which the professor lives with the student during the learning period.
In the opinion of experts, the problem of the majority of those who create a small business is that they always think that they should devote a lot of time because that is their job, without realizing that their job should not be considered, but their business, and therefore, we must strive for its growth.
And what are the keys to reach the goal?
Gyvés explains that there are five tips that should be taken into account:
Do not start a business with the sole criterion that you do not want to have bosses; Do not consider your company as the workplace, but as your business; do not distrust the capacity of your employees; and make permanent monitoring of the evolution of the company.
In Colombia, traditional coaching is done through the presence of the firms that provide the service. For its part, the multinational Action manages a model in which training for business can be done via teleconferences, telephone and through other modern means of communication.
In general, the companies that provide these consulting services work with the so-called life coaching.
We have all the questions for the entrepreneurs that require us, because the work must be done according to the vision of each client.
“The answers of the clients to our concerns are key at the time of setting up the strategy to increase the free time of the owners of the companies”.
Echeverri affirms that small and medium-sized Colombian companies have a great opportunity with the Free Trade Agreement with the United States, but that it is necessary to choose between two paths: to ally with their American competitors or to openly confront the bidding for the market, which will be indispensable to improve competitiveness and define innovative strategies that favor growth in the market.
In his opinion, “the country can not continue discussing whether the FTA is good or bad, but how we are going to take advantage of the opportunities. However, for them we must prepare. ”
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