7 Signs that Indicate You’re Working with a Bad Business Partner
When it comes to choosing a business partner, you must be savvy with your approach. Nothing feels worse than working with a bad business partner that does not share the same goals and visions you have. If you wish to succeed as an entrepreneur, then you have to surround yourself with the right people. The […]
Start 2020 on the right foot with a business coach in Melbourne
What’s on your list of New Year’s resolutions? In addition to the usual suspects (going to the gym, reading more, etc), many business may have other resolutions have another: become a better business owner. Of course, that’s a lot easier than done! Becoming a better business owner requires a lot of: Time Money Changes Planning […]
When Business is Slow
No matter how good you are, how good your business is or what sector of the market you operate in, it’s only a matter of time before your business will slow down. It’s inevitable, it’s challenging and if not managed well it can destroy your dreams. As business owners we must not only run our […]
What do you fear the most for your business; Discipline or Regret?
My clients all understand that I am driven by systems, from the pen that I use when I’m talking to clients and where and how I park my car, right through to how I prepare dirty sock for washing (OK that’s another story…). The point is I’m driven by systems and systems require discipline. But […]
How do you know if your business is helping you reach your goals?
What are your life goals? And more importantly, is your business helping you achieve them? Everybody has goals. Yours might be to retire early, travel the world or to immerse yourself in your chosen hobby. And your business is key to achieving that goal. No matter the goal, time and money are essential (unless your […]
Personality clash: why it’s important that you hit it off with your small business coach
Can you take a guess as to what decides how well your small business coaching goes? No, it isn’t your business goals. Nor is it your finances. It isn’t even the current state of your business! Believe it or not, the answer is actually your small business coach’s personality. Personality? Why should that matter when […]
Destined to fail? 4 things that sink the business coaching relationship
Like it or not, sometimes your relationship with your business coach in Melbourne just doesn’t work out. And that’s A-okay. Not every relationship will go the distance – nobody’s at fault when this happens. Sometimes it’s simply a case of your personality not lining up with your business coach. While it might sound like a […]
How accountability turns you into a better business owner
While time and money may be the indicators of a successful business owner, that doesn’t exactly tell you very much about how you can get there. The thing about becoming a better business owner is that there’s no magical formula – what works for your business might flop at the one next door, and vice […]
How business planning and having a business mentor/coach can help you reach your goals
They say that failing to plan is planning to fail. This holds true in every aspect of life… especially in business. Business coaching will direct you through an easier path to a successful business. Despite the importance of planning, I find that a disturbing number of business owners don’t have long-term plans for their business […]
Find time for your family with a business coach (PART 2)
Family versus work – it’s a real catch 22. And one that no business owner should ever have to deal with. Business coaching will get you out of this pothole. In my opinion, good business owners shouldn’t have to spend any more time at their business than they have to – ideally, you shouldn’t have […]
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You’re an expert in your field, but how did you train to be a business owner?
No matter your industry, my proven Frame-work can help you become a better business owner.